Canning season is upon us; has been for a while now. I am finally getting to the tomato canning portion of my “want to preserve for winter” list. The first steps I knew pretty well:
- wash tomatoes
- quarter tomatoes
- put through food mill
- cook down
The next steps were ones I had to reference past posts to find what I liked (here and here). For some reason, this part intimidated me (I know, you can chuckle) and I put it off till late last night. A quick search of posts brought up these two from years past. My memory clicked and I laughed at myself, “It is so easy. You were making it into a bigger deal than it really was.” Story of my life right now.
So, with a few chops of onion here and dices of peppers there I had a large pot of mostly thickened sauce cooking on the stove. What is a girl to do? Was the dishes and sit down with a book of course.
As you can see, I still need to clean up around the stove as it splattered out while pouring it all into one big pot and while cooking.
This will be easy since I did a larger scrubbing even on the stove top earlier this week. Nothing like cooked on burnt tomato sauce to give your arms a work out. In years past I gave up on this, as our stove seems to turn everything that falls on the stove top into a burnt mess. When I tackled it earlier this week I took the ‘easy’ way out:
- Spray multi-purpose vinegar cleaner
- Top with scrubbing agent
- Let sit overnight
Tuns out the ‘easy’ way has been The Way to do it all along. The burnt on food and spills wiped right up, no extra super-human arm power needed. I have tried this in the past, but never let it sit so long. Now I know exactly how to handle any spills that inevitably seem to happen when canning tomato sauces.
There was one spot that decided to be a stubborn. As I had run out of cleaning powder at that point, I decided to wait until the canning of tomatoes was finished before going through Round 2.
Today I will be doing another 80 lbs, or so, of tomatoes. If all goes as planned, I will begin canning up the sauce tonight and finish in tomorrow morning.
Update: In the end I had 27 jars of spaghetti sauce to add to my shelves. With these and the ones remaining from last year’s canning, we will be good through the upcoming year. I love that feeling. :)
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